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HADK - Hot
These might be contenders to merge to: The intention is...
Flashing the Jolla C2 using the Unisoc flash mode
This information was originally in a forum post:
Overview Hutspot is a native SailfishOS-app that acts as a Spotify-controller. It enables you to...
Android Layers in Sailfish OS
This page is mostly based on DrYak's explanations in the forum. Sailfish OS can be seen in multi...
Installing WireGuard
Install necessary tools SailfishOS doesn't provide WireGuard functionality out-of-the-box, so we...
Use the space from a unused partition
Overview Most Sailfish X devices have a partition left over from Android which is completely unus...
Markdown template wiki page
Overview The overview should explain the topic briefly to make users feel safer and optionall dis...
Transfer WhatsAppusing native backup and restore
See The backups are ...
microG installation (Google Play simulation)
Please refer to Installing microG on Sailfish OS in the forum.
Android app start triggers
This page is mostly based on DrYak's explanations on the forum. Autostart when Android AppSuppor...
Transfer Threema/ThreemaLibre data with native backups
Either Cloud backup or local backup Cloud Backup: Chats included?
Transfer Signal using Signal-native Backup and Restore
The best source to install Signal is always direct from the website
Using ProtonMail Bridge in an LXC container
Step 1: Create a LXC container To create and manage an LXC container, you can use the app "Conta...
Create a backup image from recovery
Step 1: Enter recovery mode (see also here) Step 1.1: Turn your phone completely off and discon...
Restore backup from an image
Step 1: Enter recovery mode For instructions, look here and here Step 2: Mount microSD-card Mo...
Use Librespot to play songs
Overview librespot is an open source client library for Spotify. It enables applications to use ...
1 Overview v4.5.0.19 Sailfish OS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit Documentation Copyright 20...
NixOS as LXC Container for ProtonMail Bridge
Tested on/with: SFOS on Xperia 10 III Harbour Containers 0.8.1-1.3.1.jolla lxc-temp...
[EXAMPLE]: Using WireGuard with MullvadVPN
Step 1: Obtain a WireGuard config file from Mullvad To get a config file, head over to https://m...
Awesome Sailfish
# Awesome Sailfish OS []( [<img src="...