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[EXAMPLE]: Using WireGuard with MullvadVPN

Step 1: Obtain a WireGuard config file from Mullvad

To get a config file, head over to (you will need to login with your account number). 
1. For the "platform" select "Linux".

2.Next, click on "Generate key" (or something like that in your language).


3. Select a country 

4. Select a city for your country

5. For the "Tunnel traffic", choose "Only IPv4"

6. Click on "Download file". You will get a .conf-file.


7. Copy the file to the storage of your SailfishOS-device

Step 2: Importing the file on Sailfish

  1. Open the settings-app and navigate to "VPN"
  2. In the pull-down menu, choose "Add new VPN"
  3. Choose "WireGuard" for the VPN-Type (typically located at the bottom of the list)
  4. On the next page, choose to import a "wg-quick.conf" file.
  5. A file-chooser-dialog will open. Choose the .conf-file we downloaded earlier.
  6. The setup will tell you that the import was successful. Now you just need to give the VPN a name.
  7. I recommend to choose "Remember login credentials" (or something like that in your language) under the "Advanced"-settings
  8.  You can now select the VPN in the list to connect to it.
    NOTE: If SailfishOS asks for credentials to login, the username is your account number and the password is just the letter "m"

Needing help?

If you run into troubles, feel free to ask for help here