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Help links
If you need help, here are a few useful links to various posts in the SailfishOS-Forum: http...
Use dnsmasq for DNS
As the name already implies, dnsmasq is not a full-fledged DNS server. If you want a real, recurs...
Bookstack Manual (the wiki software)
Creating an article Check if an article exists for the topic you want to write about. The full...
WYSIWYG Template wiki page
Overview The overview should explain the topic briefly to make users feel safer and optionall di...
Install & configure unbound DNS server
Unbound is a full-fledge recursive DNS resolver. You should consider to not fetch from the root s...
Stop connman from managing DNS
If you don't have any DNS configured in /etc/resolv.conf anymore, you can't resolv any domains on...
Overview Table
Short bug description Link to reported platform Link to full bug description Status See...
Increase the root partition size with an SD-card
This guide adds the SD-card to the LVM volume group and then uses the new space in the LVM volume...
The options for increasing the space
There are several options to increase the space of the root partitions. Currently available optio...